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Beautiful Bouquet
We usually grace your arrival with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers from the Brisbane grounds but if you’d like something particular or professionally arranged, we’d be glad to make it appear! $125
Artisan Bakery Cake
There are three outstanding bakeries in Madison and one was recently commended by the James Beard Foundation: Madison Sourdough Co. Their regular offerings: Orange Cardamom, Carrot with Cream Cheese Frosting and Pecans, Chocolate Caramel Espresso, and a monthly specialty cake (serves 6-10).
Other delectable bakeries are both women-owned. Batch Bakehouse regularly offers Carrot with Cream Cheese Frosting, Vanilla with Strawberry Buttercream and Lemon Curd on top, and Triple Chocolate Cake.
Bloom Bake Shop bakes vegan and gluten free cakes and offers many regular seasonal cakes. Take a look! $75
Artisan Chocolates
CocoVaa is a Black-woman-owned chocolatier business. It is a James Beard Award nominee so don’t miss their chocolates!
A nine-piece box of truffles will await you. $35
Cheese Tray
Sooo many delicious cheese shops in Wisconsin. One of the very best is Fromagination on the Capitol Square in Madison. Each cheese tray they create is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece with more exclusive selections by cheesemongers from Wisconsin and around the world. Cheeses that are at the peak of their flavor are cut by hand and presented in long wedges alongside their perfect companion foods, an assortment of breads, nuts, and crackers. (Serves 6) $135

Donate to the Rattlesnake Ridge area
We’ve begun restoring the land around us, kick started by a grant from the DNR in 2024. The goal is to restore 10 + acres of oak barren/oak savannah and dry sand prairie that sustains whippoorwills, field sparrows, red-headed woodpeckers, and rusty-patch bumblebees. Let us know if you’d like to volunteer when you’re in the area! Or, donate $50 (or any amount).
KINDLED Portable Sauna Session
KINDLED’s new 6 x 10 portable wood-fired sauna ideally fits six people (up to nine are possible). KINDLED is born from a dream of leading people toward wellness and connection with others. Quality sauna + cold tub plunge experience $150/hour plus $50 delivery fee.
Extra Time
Relish your time away with an early check in and late check out. Arrive at 11 AM and depart at 2 PM. Every minute counts, this is your vacation! $50
“What a fantastic restoration, it is really breathtaking! The artwork is outstanding—it really reflects the historical significance of the home and its original owner. We will always remember this as one of the best places we have ever stayed.”
– Mic and Allison, Lompoc, CA